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Criticism of Jack Donovan book – the Way of men

I have read “way of men” the essay of Jack Donovan. It was pleasant to read. However, it is a user manual for men who want to become a slave of women. Jack Donovan applies his understanding of tribalism to the western world. He considers that men should be hunter-gatherers just like 10,000 years ago.

He states that men should have virtues like mastery, strength, courage, and honor. I think those virtues don’t answer any today’s life problems. Furthermore, when you think about mastery, strength, courage, and honor you don’t focus on your interest. Honor led to death when in the 19th century, Frenchmen used to kill each other in duels. Meanwhile, no women used to kill each other in duels. Those deaths were unnecessary because they didn’t fight for food and there were enough resources (food and women) for every man.

To me, dueling is a stupid practice. Fighting against each other has no benefits. Dying in the front line in the name of honor is stupid. It is useless to be a dead hero because you aren’t alive to enjoy anymore. Too many men died fighting against each other in our history.

Watch the movie the duellists, if you want to see the non-sense of fighting men.

Strength isn’t a sustainable approach

Jack Donovan does not understand that we don’t die anymore at 20 years old on the battlefield. At 60 years old, it is not sustainable to show that you are a real strong man by getting into a brawl. It is useless to show that you can lift heavy loads and make heavy chores because your body will not follow your will.  Jack Donovan has the same disease than many men today.

We are brainwashed to work harder, to earn more money, to show our muscles and be competitive, and ultimately to find other men.

We are brainwashed to show that we can work harder than other men….etc…

For what??? Mastery, honor, strength, courage? The approach of Jack Donovan does not serve the interest of the men.

Men should do the opposite. They should think about their mental and body health. They should think about their passion in life. They should stop being part of this stupid cultural competition between men where the winner gets nothing at the end. They should think about their interest rather than mastery, honor, strength, and courage.

Interestingly, women think more of their interest than men do.

Jack Donovan questions the masculinity of men who aren’t strong, courageous, with no honor and mastery. This is a common behavior of neo machos. They judge a man and make him believe that he is less masculine than other men to make him feel insecure.

However, neo machos have no legitimacy to tell you what a man is. Science can tell you what a man is. Strength, courage, honor, and mastery aren’t in our DNA. There are subjective concepts. Between a 70-year old homeless guy who was the best courageous soldier and a rich entrepreneur, which profile do you prefer? Strength, courage, honor, and mastery are useless in our life.

With Donovan, the pressure is always on men shoulders

With Donovan and the neo-machos, the pressure is always on men shoulders.

The neo-machos sermonize us by telling us how we should behave.

Men have to fish. Men have to hunt. Men have to follow honorable rules.

Meanwhile, Donovan and the Neo machos never ask women to do anything. Men are taught to run after an ideal which will be always higher than where he stands on the staircase of perfection.

How Jack Donovan ideas perpetuate male slavery

Jack Donovan sees men as gangs who have to fight with each other. Quite interestingly, he never speaks about the potential threats of women. Jack Donovan does the same mistake as all neo-machos. He thinks that women are angels by default. Consequently, in the tribe of Jack Donovan, women can benefit from men’s hard work. Donovan encourages men to work hard and fight for the gang. Consequently, men have to fight to defend their females. Men also have to earn money and bring food back to the tribe for women. Men accumulate wealth and women take advantage of it without doing anything. This ideology can’t bring anything positive in the life of a man.

For example, let’s imagine he works hard to earn money and that his neighbor stole his parking place, he will have to fight against the neighbor to defend his honor. An extreme behavior may lead him to jail.

Donovan ideology is compatible with the classic marriage trap where a man get married with an unemployed woman and financially support her for the rest of his life.

Female predators can take advantage of Donovan ideas

If a man follows the ideology of Donovan, a female manipulator can easily control this man. For instance, a wife can tell her husband to hit the neighbor to prove he is a real man. If a man does not earn enough money for his wife’s dreams, she will say that he is not a real man. If he does not want to do the heavy chores and dirty job at home, she will question his masculinity.